About Us

JW Brewster was founded to celebrate the life and legacy of Judy Brewster. Judy was a woman who exuded love, positivity, and grace to friends and strangers alike despite encountering exceptionally difficult challenges in her own life. Our values - celebrating culture, treating people with respect, and putting our best into every product - are founded in her love of life and diversity and her ability to give every moment her all. Keep reading to learn more about how we embrace this mission.
Our Values

We strive to cherish and celebrate all cultures. With our weekender bag, this is present in the accent designs. This bag is produced by Southern African women (and some men) with diverse tribal heritages and our accent fabrics are the traditional patterns of many of these heritages. All JW Brewster products come with a flyer giving a brief description of the bag's artisan so our customers can celebrate this heritage with us.

We pay all our employees a living wage and invest heavily in their health and wellbeing. We also only use products that come from organic free range animals that have been treated in the most humane way.

With quality control checks and rigorous training, JW Brewster is committed to delivering the highest quality products with the most innovative and efficient design.